Curriculum at a Glance
End of the Year Targets, Benchmarks and Assessments:
- Students will meet mastery of basic kindergarten facts on DIBELS assessment.
- Students will meet mastery on STAR readiness assessment.
The student…
- recognizes letters of the alphabet
- associates sounds with letters of the alphabet
- understands basic phonological/phonetic principles (ex., knows rhyming words, knows words that have the same initial and final sounds)
- blends individual sounds into words
- understands how print is organized and read (ex., locating print on a page, matching print to speech, knowing parts of a book, reading from top-to-bottom, left-to-right and sweeping back to left for the next line)
- uses a variety of sources to build vocabulary (ex., word walls, other people and life experiences)
- develops vocabulary by discussing characters and events from a story
- uses strategies to comprehend text (ex., retelling, discussing, asking questions, using illustrations and sequences of events)
- knows the main idea or essential message from a read-aloud story or informational piece
- selects materials to read for pleasure
- demonstrates phonemic awareness
Writing Development
The student..
- writes a story that makes sense
- stays on topic
- demonstrates phonemic awareness
- uses sight words
- writes from left to right
- leaves space between words
Number Sense
The student…
- counts, reads and writes numerals to 10 or more and counts backwards from 10 to 1
- knows that cardinal numbers indicate quantity and ordinal numbers indicate position
- uses language such as before or after to describe relative position in a sequence of whole numbers
- compares 2 or more sets (up to 10) and identifies which set is equal to, more than or less than.
- uses concrete materials to represent whole number and fractional parts of a whole (ex., one-half and one-fourth)
- counts orally by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s using concrete materials, pictures and hundred chart to show the concept of numbers
- demonstrates and describes the effect of putting together and taking apart sets of objects
- creates, acts out with objects, and solves number problems
- estimates the number in a set and verifies by counting
- builds models to show that numbers are odd or even
The student…
- measures and communicates length, distance and weight of objects using nonstandard, concrete materials
- describes the concepts of time, temperature and capacity
- uses direct and indirect comparison to sort and order objects
- uses uniform, nonstandard units to estimate and verify by measuring length and width of common classroom objects
- knows and compares the value of a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
- knows measurement tools and uses them for length, weight, capacity and time
- knows and sorts 2-dimensional shapes (ex., circles, squares and triangles) and 3-dimensional objects (ex., cubes and cones)
- recognizes and creates symmetrical figures
- knows the attributes of circles, squares, triangles and rectangles
Algebraic Thinking
The student…
- identifies simple patterns of sounds, physical movement and concrete objects
- classifies and sorts objects by color, shape, size, kind and which do not belong in a group
- predicts, extends and creates patterns
- knows that symbols can be used to represent missing or unknown quantities (ex., fill in the missing number in 5, 6, _ , 8)
- data analysis & probability
- Students will know how to display answers to simple questions involving two categories or choices using concrete materials or pictures on a graph or chart
- interprets data in pictorial or concrete materials (ex., pictures on a graph or chart)
- uses concrete materials, pictures or graphs to show range and mode
- knows if a given event is more likely, equally likely, or less likely to occur
Ideas for Helping Your Child at Home
Language Arts
- Make flash cards for upper and lower case letters and practice them daily OUT OF ORDER.
- Take your child to the library to get a library card and choose books.
- Talk, sing, listen and read to your child every day.
- Put letters in a bag and have your child reach for a letter and say the sound. Have him/her reach in for another letter. If your child does not know a sound, say the sound and put it back in the bag. Count how many sounds they can do in a minute.
- Put playing cards in a bag and have the child pull out two cards and add or subtract the two numbers.
- Write a note each day to put in your child’s lunch box or on your child’s pillow.
- Read a nursery rhyme. Reread leaving out the last word of every other line of the rhyme for your child to say.
- Allow your child to help you locate and sort the groceries before putting them away (canned goods, boxes or items that need refrigeration).
- Have a bag of various objects. Have your child sort by size, then shape, color, texture, etc.
- Practice counting orally to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s using a hundred chart.
- Check planner and encourage homework completion